Wednesday, July 8, 2009

15 months old

Carley was officially 15 months old yesterday. Here are 15 things that I love about her or that she can now do...
1. she has a precious laugh
2. the smirk she has when she first wakes up to realize you are there for her
3. she is drinking out of a sippy cup
4. she has a forward facing car seat
5. she blows kisses (sometimes when we ask her to)
6. she waves hi and bye
7. she smiles more than she cries
8. we can now just lay her in the crib at bedtime and she will go to sleep on her own
9. her cute curls on the back of her head (like her Mom has & Dad had when he was younger)
10. the red tint that she has in her hair
11. the face that she makes when she wants to love but really hits you
12. the way she follows the older kids and tries to do what they do
13. the way she will climb into our rocking chair and sit there like a big girl
14. she can make a bad day turn around within just the thought of knowing she is around
15. she is our precious angel that God blessed us with!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet! She is blessed to have you as her mother! Enjoyed seeing y'all at the reunion!
